guest bathroom
master bathroom
Mike and I in the guest bathroom. Mike did an amazing job!! Good job babe!!
Dad working in the master bathroom.
guest bathroom. We did 8x8 tiles and can I just say WOW!! It think it looks great!!
Guest bathroom. We (meaning dad) had to take the toilet out and take the baseboards off and then put them all back!! That was a job!! But it looks so amazing!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
master bathroom. Here we used 16x16 tiles and I love it! I love how it turned out!! The grout is still a little wet so it won't be quite so dark but I still LOVE it!! I love it on the angle to!! Thanks dad! I know it was a pain but I love it!! GREAT JOB!!
and another picture of the master bathroom!! I go upstairs just to stand in both bathrooms now and stare!! I LOVE them!! They look fabulous!! Way to go us!!!
I LOVE the tile! We have such great parents!
I love it too... very nice!
That was nice of your parents to come help!
Wow! That looks so great! We totally want to do that. How long did it take you?
It looks great! Every time I read your posts I laugh, at your exclamation marks!! :)
We didn't want to take both toilets out at the same time so we tiled one bathroom one day and grouted it the morning, put the toilet on and tiled the other bathroom then waited until the next day to grout that bathroom. It takes at least 2 days per room because as far as I know you have to let mud you use to set the tile dry and settle a day before you grout it. We love the results though!!! So to do both bathrooms it took us 3 days.
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