Sunday, February 15, 2009

Experimenting gone TOTALLY wrong!!

While I was as the hair show I saw this really attractive guy that had really blonde curly hair and it looked so good!! He looked almost identical to Mike! So I had this GREAT idea!! Lets bleach out Mike's hair!! So we went to it!!

Mike not sure if this is really a great idea like I told him it was! And he was upset that I was taking a picture of him like this!!

This is after 2 times of bleaching it out and toning it....ok, maybe it wasn't a great idea!

He had to go like this for a few days cause I was working. He had fun being a blonde while it lasted!! But he is happy to be back dark-it's still a little golden but give it two weeks!! We both had a good time with it though!!


Melissa said...

I would have died! Way to be a good sport Mike!

Deb said...

I guess that's what happens when you marry a stylist!