Friday, June 12, 2009

Now that I feel like I have a little control and time in my life I decided blog and give some details! I must say that being pregnant for me, luckily, was very pleasant! I didn't have any problems and didn't have to go through the dreaded "last month" of it! Dallas was born 3 weeks early! Since he came out healthy and strong I will say that I'm grateful he came early! At 2am on the 17th my water broke with no contractions. I called the hospital because I didn't know what to do! It wasn't supposed to happen that way- I didn't have makeup on, my house was a mess and I still didn't know what to take to the hospital! When we got to the hospital I still was 80% effaced and dilated to a 2. They let me hang out for a bit to see if I would progress by myself, but I didn't. They gave me pitosin and about 40 min later at 7:30 I got an epidural-p.s. my IV hurt more than the epidural!! Once I got the epidural I progressed very quickly. They thought he would come really fast so we called family and told them that he was coming. They got there and I was still pushing. I pushed for almost 2 hours but Dallas was transverse and not budging, not even the Dr. could get him to turn. They got another Dr opinion and they decided to prep me for a c-section. I was ok with this decision! As soon as I was completely numb and feeling like I weighed 800 pounds they checked Dallas one more time and to our surprise, he turned!! The Dr quickly did an episiodomy and used the forcepts. Five pushes later Dallas was born!! It was an amazing experience! As soon as he was out, there was an instant outpouring of a new kind of love for this addition to our family! I've never felt a love like it before! He is a huge blessing in our lives!
When we got to the hospital. I can't believe he fit in me! And I can't believe I got so big! I will admit that at times I miss feeling him move in me. But he's so much more fun to play with now!
That's our little guy!! I wonder how big he would have been if he came when he was supposed to! He's just perfect though!! I love my tiny baby!!
He is so precious!! He's such a good sleeper!! He loves to lay on our chest and sleep and don't you dare try to move him to his bed because he knows and isn't happy with it!!

I love his little face!! He makes such fun faces!! He has little dimples when he smiles- I have yet to get a picture of it!
He has a cowlick above his right eye! I love it!! It's so cute!! And notice how his forhead wrinkles go up where it is?!
I just love him so so much!! He's such a good baby!! He had jaundice for a week. I hated that he had to be on this bed all the time. He hated it more I think though. We had to take him in to get it checked every other day too so he has a collections of pricks on his little heels. So sad. I'm glad he's done with that though!!!
I don't think Mike will be happy with this picture! But I just have to show you how Dallas sleeps!! He keeps his legs straight up in the air! If they start to fall he quickly gets them back up in the air! He keeps us smiling every second!! We can't even explain how blessed we are and just how much we love our little boy!!


Cal and Whit said...

What a darling little boy! Cal and I just laughed about the leg in the air thing. What a kick! He is adorable. I loved reading your birth story. The pics of him are so darling!

Jackie Sullivan said...

He is so sweet! I know everyone will tell you this, but they do grow so fast! I told Ryan it's so sad because as a new mom you don't enjoy the little, little ones enough because you haven't had sleep and can't! By the time you get some sleep they are "big little ones".
So cute!

Deb said...

He certainly has a mind of his own - and is so cute!

Melissa said...

I hear you about the make up part...that's what I loved about my c-section, I had a place for Tyler, my house was clean, i'd showered and had make up:-) thanks for letting us come to the hospital. We love Dallas sooooo much and are glad he's finally here!