Thursday, September 6, 2007

I love long hair

So....I've always wanted pretty and long hair and since my hair does NOT grow I got extensions!!!! I love them!! They do take a little longer to dry and curl, they take more shampoo and conditioner, they are hard to sleep on, but all in all I love them so much!!! It's nice to be able to throw my hair up in a ponytail, and do more with it!! They are so much fun!!!


lpettey said...

Wow! You look great. I've never seen you with dark/long hair. I love having long hair too. It's nice to pull it back and just go do whatever.

Mike and Kris said...

hey thanks!!! I keep trying to go into your blog again but it won't let me. Tell me your blogspot again and i'll try to get into it again!! Thanks!

Melissa said...

I LOVE your hair! I am totally jealous! I just want long hair so I can pull it up and never do it again! It looks great!

Deb said...

I love your long hair, too. However, I like being able to do my hair with some gel and my fingers!

lpettey said...

My blogspot is Hopefully that works.

Brandi Schall said...

Like I said, it looks so good!

Thanks again for trimming aj's hair and thinning mine. It has been so much easier to do!

Sarah said...

WOW! Super Cute! Kris with long dark hair. It is almost like an evil twin. :D